Czy rok 1468 można uznać za początek polskiego parlamentaryzmu i z jakich powodów?

Wacław Uruszczak


The opinion deals with the question of whether and for what reasons, 1468 can be regarded as fi rst year of Polish parliamentarism. The answer of the author, a researcher and expert in the history of old Polish parliamentarianism, is positive. The year 1468 should be considered fi rst year of existence of a well-developed Polish parliamentarism. The reason is that since that year the General Sejm operated as a permanent body, in which, along with the Royal Council, elected members of the noblemen’s assemblies (sejmiks), empowered to represent voters, participated. The necessary source evidence, in particular the “Annals” of Jan Długosz, the chronicles of Marcin Bielski and Marcin Kromer were presented to justify the thesis. Source documents, including the Register of the Polish Crown and royal accounts, were referred to, proving the existence from 1468 of a fully-fl edged mechanism for convening pre-session councils and designation of elected deputies to sejms before 1493.

Słowa kluczowe

geneza polskiego parlamentaryzmu, sejm walny koronny, pierwszy dwuizbowy sejm walny, powstanie izby poselskie