@misc{Zygmunt_I_the_Old_(1467-1548)_King, author={Zygmunt I the Old (1467-1548)}, copyright={Fokt, Krzysztof (1980-)}, copyright={Mikuła, Maciej (1983-)}, copyright={Muzeum Niepodległości w Myślenicach}, howpublished={online}, language={Polish}, language={Latine}, title={King Zygmunt I authorises Mikołaj Jordan of Zakliczyn to bequeath and sell 300 grzywnas of rent on the estate of the Myślenice aldermanship to the Law College of the University of Kraków for the benefit of wyderkaf}, keywords={Collegium Iuridicum of Kraków University, bequest of a sum of money to an estate with a right of repurchase, rent}, }