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Statut organizacyjny Senatu Rządzącego Wolnego Miasta Krakowa
Komisja Organizacyjna Trzech Mocarstw Opiekuńczych
Ruling Senate ; President of the Senate ; Secretary General ; Free City of Cracow ; court reporter ; Department of Internal Affairs and Justice ; Department of Police and Militia ; Department of Public Revenue and Treasury ; expediting secretary ; dispatching of letters ; office ; archivist ; Accounting Office ; accounting ; accountant ; Assembly of Representatives ; organization of the judiciary ; public security ; National Militia ; prison ; hospital ; begging ; vagrancy ; mines ; Public Treasury ; Cracow Academy ; mining law ; builder ; architect ; plumber ; surveyor ; civil engineering ; water construction ; proto-medic ; medical police ; surgery ; acoustics ; veterinary medicine ; Intermediate Police Bureau ; forest service ; superintendent ; legal assessor ; lawyer
Jagiellonian University (edition)