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Search for: [Subject = Grand Council of the Jagiellonian University] OR [Subject = Governing Senate] OR [Subject = Rector of the Jagiellonian University] OR [Subject = Bishop of Cracow] OR [Subject = school fund] OR [Subject = Organizing Commission] OR [Subject = Kingdom of Poland] OR [Subject = Secretary of the Grand Council of the Jagiellonian University] OR [Subject = Botanical Garden] OR [Subject = St. Barbara Gymnasium] OR [Subject = Wielka Rada Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego] OR [Subject = Senat Rządzący] OR [Subject = Rektor Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego] OR [Subject = biskup krakowski] OR [Subject = kasa szkolna] OR [Subject = Komisja Organizacyjna] OR [Subject = Królestwo Polskie] OR [Subject = sekretarz Wielkiej Rady UJ] OR [Subject = Ogród Botaniczny] OR [Subject = Gimnazjum św. Barbary] OR [Title = Minutes of the second meeting of the Grand Council of the Jagiellonian University of June 25, 1818.] OR [Title = Protokół drugiego posiedzenia Wielkiej Rady Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego z dnia 25 czerwca 1818 r.] OR [Creator = Wielka Rada Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego]

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